We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received.His early years in Alaska where a pair of young married birth, his wife died due to childbirth, leaving the next child. His busy life, they are busily housekeeping, because no one to help kids see on the training of a dog, and that smart obedient dog, can take care of a child, biting children drink bottle feeding, child-rearing. One day, the owner went out, telling us to look after their children. He went to the other villages, due to heavy snow event of the day can not come back. To hurry back home the next day, the dog owner to meet the immediate out. He saw the door open, blood everywhere, the rise of a look, the bed is also the blood, the child disappeared, the dog in the side, is full of blood, found the owner of this situation, that the dog attack, the children eat, and furious under to head toward a split, the dog killed. Wow leveling,
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