вот то, что мне выдал Гугль по запросу:
No one’s Slave - Theo Simon

No one’s slave I am no ones master,
No one’s slave I am no ones’s master,
On my grave they will write this after I am gone – I will be gone!
And then my flesh will go to the Earth it lived on,
Breath will go to the air it lived from.
I am through with the shame of my lying; I’ve had my fill of the cruelty and crying.
Earned my keep in the land where the dying desert grows – And now I know.
And I am looking with a new perspective, listening out for a new directive.
Going home to the land of our mothers,
I will walk with my sisters and brothers,
We will share what is good with each other in our love – It is a love!
It is a love that brings you the invitation; join me now in my invocation:
Mother Earth I was nearly the end of you,
Please accept my desire to be friends with you,
Now I know just how much I depend on you for life.
You are my life!
You are the life that grows in the flesh I’m weaving,
Life that blows in the air I’m breathing.
I am strong as a tree on a mountain,
Full and fresh as a free flowing fountain,
Bright and clear as the stars beyond counting in the night:
I am their light!
I am the light that shines in a thousand people,
In my sight every life is equal.
No one’s slave I am no ones master,
No one’s slave I am no one’s master.
On my grave they will write this after I am gone.
начал искать далее - наткнулся на : http://musicmp3.spb.ru/album/2217/dreamin_a_dream.htm
но, блин, исполнение, мягко говоря, не то
порылся в DcD - у меня тоде такого нету =(

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